Top UNESCO World Heritage Sites to Visit in London


/ London Guide/ London Attractions

Top UNESCO World Heritage Sites to Visit in London

August 9, 2024

London is a historic city with a magnificent structure recognized and listed among the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization World Heritage Sites. These sites give a new glance at the historical background and some aspects of the city’s contribution to world heritage. If you are an ardent history lover, an architectonic admirer, or an ordinary traveler these UNESCO World Heritage Sites in London cannot be omitted.

The Tower of London

The Tower of London is definitely among the most popular and easily recognizable attractions of Great Britain. Rich in history and built by William the Conqueror in 1066, they have been used for a royal palace, prison, armory, and even a zoo. Today, it holds the crown jewels tours the medieval architecture, and tells the history of the place. Staying at the Park Grand Hotel Kensington offers easy access to this iconic landmark.

The Beefeaters

While in the Tower of London, make it a point to take a guided tour with the Yeoman Warders. The guards are so full of information about the history of the Tower and will tell you all sorts of interesting stories and tidbits about what you're seeing.

Westminster Abbey and the Palace of Westminster

The House of Parliament – which is the seat of the United Kingdom’s Parliament and Westminster Abbey – a great church – are among the most important London architecture. Westminster Abbey has been used for coronations since 1066 and is the burial place of Kings and other distinguished personalities. The most important building of the United Kingdom is the Palace of Westminster: the clock tower: Big Ben.

Poets' Corner

One of the most interesting parts of Westminster Abbey is Poets' Corner. You will find graves and memorials to famous writers like Geoffrey Chaucer and Charles Dickens. It's a special place celebrating British literature and culture.

Amazing Architecture

The architecture of Westminster Abbey is just exciting. High ceilings, fine stained glass windows, picturesque stone carvings—all require diligent attention. Every chapel and memorial has its own story to tell.

Maritime Greenwich

Maritime Greenwich is a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to the role it played in the naval history of Britain. Facing the River Thames, this area contains a number of the major attractions in the city: the Royal Observatory, the Cutty Sark, and the National Maritime Museum.

The Prime Meridian

The Royal Observatory in Greenwich is famous for the Prime Meridian, which separates the eastern and western hemispheres of the Earth. One can stand with one foot in each hemisphere and learn about how time and navigation began to be kept.

The Cutty Sark

The Cutty Sark is an earlier vessel to have sailed the seas and to have been one of the fastest ships in the world. Nowadays, it's a museum that allows self-discovery of its journeys and the global trade routes it used to travel.

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Kew Gardens

Kew Gardens, otherwise known as the Royal Botanic Gardens, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that has come to be recognized through its vast collection of plants and amazing landscapes. With over 300 acres to explore, Kew Gardens is a paradise for any person who loves nature.

The Palm House and Temperate House

Two of the main items on display at Kew Gardens are the Palm House and the Temperate House. These large glasshouses house many diverse tropical and temperate plants. Equally beautiful are the buildings that house these plants.

The Treetop Walkway

For a different perspective on Kew Gardens, walk along the Treetop Walkway; elevated onto a raised path, you can view the gardens from above, which have beautiful views and offer a different way of seeing the beauty of Kew. 


Exploring London can be very interesting and entailing a visit to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites today can be quite enriching. These are historical centers that offer even children an opportunity to learn and have a great time – from the medieval historic castle, the Tower of London, to the botanical garden, Kew Royal. For the best experience, Choose accommodation near Buckingham Palace London to ensure you're conveniently located near these historic landmarks.